1. Condensation on the inside of the windows means too much humidity in the building. Ventilation needs to be improved. Frost on the windows means poor insulation/weather sealing (and maybe too much humidity). In both cases, this building is poorly constructed and/or maintained, putting the comfort and safety (too much humidity means a higher risk of mold) of staff and students at risk. So, just like a real school.

  2. As Frazz (all caps) notes, Caulfield was being poetic and noticing an actual transition rather than the artificial transition to a new year. Then Frazz notes that the transition doesn’t involve New Year’s resolutions. Caulfield says he doesn’t mind the changes implied by them, but he’d rather not make a commitment to those changes.

    So, no humor and no joke, but insight into the world and these characters.

  3. Singapore Bill – yeah, I keep explaining that to husband as the windshield goes completely covered over with condensation and he swears about the car and does the opposite of what he needs to do.

  4. Strangely enough, I was discussing this very issue a few days ago – In 1980, the school in which I worked for 30+ years moved into an historical building (first high school east of Mississippi or somesuch, built between 1924-1927). You can imagine the poor conditions – single pane windows and the library had a complete north wall of twelve-foot of them.

    I actually wore long underwear to work for several years while the city’s historical fanatics argued about how the windows should (or should not) be replaced. I found that typing with gloves on my hands was night impossible. No, it was DEFinitely impossible. Of course, the health and comfort of students and staff were never considered; we were, after all, ‘only an alternative school’.

    (The building with which we exchanged residency was, of course, completely remodeled, even tho is was a much newer building.)

    There were many days when the entire windows would be frosted over – inside. The ancient steam heat system couldn’t keep up with the cold. And of course, the summers/autumns, when temps INside reached over 100 degrees, were just as bad, albeit in a different manner.

    Oh, and let’s not forget – the main office was heated in winter and air-conditioned in summer/autumn, so no one in authority gave a d*mn within the building, either.

    I could identify with Frazz – squeeging the condensation, scraping the frost – INside.

  5. Am I the only one who mourns the loss of the limitations of ink-on-paper comics? The slight blur behind the glass is effective and well done, but would have been impossible before the advent of digital comics. I actually LIKED how comic artists were forced to work with black and white, without even shades of gray in between. It was an art form unto itself. Also, I definitely don’t miss that in-between period in the late 90s when everyone was going crazy with gradients just because they could. (I think Doonesbury still hasn’t gotten the memo to cut it out.)

  6. “I don’t fear change, but I’d just as soon avoid commitment.”

    I think I’m going to make that my new motto.

  7. CIDU Bill’s headline from a Frazz comic last week was “Seriously, do these two live together now?”. I chuckled a bit then but now I really think he was on to something. And I certainly hope that’s a building window and not a car windshield or else people are going to start talking about Frazz.

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